Este fue
desarrollado en un esfuerzo para lograr una disminución de tamaño y costo y es
ampliamente utilizado en equipo unitario de escasa potencia. Como en el caso
del moto-compresor semihermético, el motor eléctrico se encuentra montado
directamente en el cigüeñal del compresor, pero el cuerpo es una carcaza
metálica sellada con soldadura. En esti tipo de compresores no pueden llevarse
acabo reparaciones interiores puesto que la única manera de abrirlos es cortar
la carcaza del compresor.
del compresor.
primeros modelos de compresores de diseñaron para funcionar a una velocidad
relativamente reducida, bastante inferiores a 1000 rpm. Para utilizar los
motores eléctricos estándar de cuatro polos se introdujo el funcionamiento de
los moto-compresores herméticos y semiherméticos a 1750 rpm (1450 rpm en 50
creciente demanda de equipo de acondicionamiento de aire mas compacto y menor
peso ha forzado el desarrollo de moto-compresores herméticos con motores de dos
polos que funcionan a 3500 rpm (2900 rpm en 50 ciclos).
It was developed in an effort to achieve a reduction in size and cost and is widely used in low power equipment unit. As in the case of semi-hermetic motor-compressor, the electric motor is mounted directly on the crankshaft of the compressor, but the body is a metal housing sealed with solder. In esti type compressors can not be carried out interior repairs since the only way is to cut open the casing of the compressor.
Compressor speed.
The first models of compressors designed to operate at relatively low speeds, well below 1000 rpm. To use the electric motors standard four-pole introduced the operation of the hermetic motor compressor and semi-hermetic at 1750 rpm (1450 rpm at 50 cycles).
The growing demand for air conditioning equipment more compact and lighter weight has forced the development of motor-hermetic compressors with two-pole motor operating at 3500 rpm (2900 at 50 cycles).
compresor semiabierto
Este tipo
de compresores fue iniciado por Copeland y es utilizado ampliamente en los
populares modelos Copelametic. El compresor es accionado por un motor eléctrico
montado directamente en el cigüeñal del compresor, con todas sus partes, tanto
del motor como del compresor, herméticamente selladas en el interior de una cubierta
eliminan los trastornos del sello, los motores pueden calcularse
específicamente para la carga que han de accionar, y el diseño resultante es
compacto, económico, eficiente y básicamente no requiere mantenimiento. Las
cabezas cubiertas del estator, placas del fondo y cubiertas de Carter son
desmontables permitiendo el acceso para sencillas reparaciones en el caso de
que se deteriore el compresor.
Semi compressor
This type of compressor was started by Copeland and is widely used in popular models Copelametic. The compressor is driven by an electric motor mounted directly on the crankshaft of the compressor, with all its parts, both the engine and the compressor, hermetically sealed inside a common housing.
Disorders are eliminated seal, the motors can be calculated specifically for the burden they have to operate, and the resulting design is compact, economical, efficient and basically maintenance free. Stator covered heads, bottom plates and are removable covers Carter allowing easy access for repair in case of deterioration in the compressor.
This type of compressor was started by Copeland and is widely used in popular models Copelametic. The compressor is driven by an electric motor mounted directly on the crankshaft of the compressor, with all its parts, both the engine and the compressor, hermetically sealed inside a common housing.
Disorders are eliminated seal, the motors can be calculated specifically for the burden they have to operate, and the resulting design is compact, economical, efficient and basically maintenance free. Stator covered heads, bottom plates and are removable covers Carter allowing easy access for repair in case of deterioration in the compressor.
primeros modelos de compresores de refrigeración fueron de este tipo. Con los
pistones y cilindros sellados en el interior de un Cárter y un cigüeñal
extendiéndose a través del cuerpo hacia afuera para ser accionado por alguna
fuerza externa. Tiene un sello en torno del cigüeñal que evita la pérdida de
refrigerante y aceite del compresor.
- Mayor peso
- Costo superior
- Mayor tamaño
- Vulnerabilidad a fallas de los sellos
- Difícil alineación del cigüeñal
- Ruido excesivo
- Corta vida de las bandas o componentes de acción directa
Este compresor
ha sido reemplazado por el moto-compresor de tipo semihermético y hermético, y
su uso continua disminuyendo a excepción de aplicaciones especializadas como es
el acondicionamiento de aire para automóviles
The first models of refrigeration compressors were of this type. With the pistons and cylinders sealed on the inside of a sump and a crankshaft extending through the body to be driven outwards by some external force. Has a seal around crankshaft that prevents loss of refrigerant and oil from the compressor.
• Increased weight
• higher cost
• Increased size
• Vulnerability to failure of the seals
• Difficult alignment of the crankshaft
• Excessive noise
• Short life of the bands or components of direct action
This compressor has been replaced by the motor-compressor semi-hermetic and hermetic type, and its use continues to decline except for specialized applications such as car air conditioning
The first models of refrigeration compressors were of this type. With the pistons and cylinders sealed on the inside of a sump and a crankshaft extending through the body to be driven outwards by some external force. Has a seal around crankshaft that prevents loss of refrigerant and oil from the compressor.
• Increased weight
• higher cost
• Increased size
• Vulnerability to failure of the seals
• Difficult alignment of the crankshaft
• Excessive noise
• Short life of the bands or components of direct action
This compressor has been replaced by the motor-compressor semi-hermetic and hermetic type, and its use continues to decline except for specialized applications such as car air conditioning
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