para identificar los bornes de un motocompresor, tenes uqe medir con un ohmetro
la resistencia que tenga cada borne. luego de realizadas la mediciones,
observas la que te dio el valor mas alto, y el borne que queda libre en esa
medicion( la que te dio el valor mas alto) es el comun, ya que aqui estas
midiendo la suma de las bobinas. luego de haver identificado el comun,
ralizaras las mediciones entre este ultimo( el comun) y los otros dos bornes
restantes, un a la ves. la que mayor valor te es el arranque, (ya que es una
bobina de mas vueltas y alambre mas fino), y la otra de menor valor es el
trabajo,(ya que es una bobina de menor cantidad de vueltas y un alambre mas
grueso) te mando un dibujito para que te orientes.
tambien puede ocurrir que el motocompresor, o la tapita tengan unas letras como C: comun
R: run; marcha y S: start; arranque. en este caso te ahorarias de medir.
tambien puede ocurrir que el motocompresor, o la tapita tengan unas letras como C: comun
R: run; marcha y S: start; arranque. en este caso te ahorarias de medir.
How to
identify the terminals of a compressor
Hello, to identify the terminals of a compressor, you got uqe measure resistance with an ohmmeter which each terminal. after the measurements made, you see that you gave the highest value, and the terminal that is free in this measurement (which gave you the highest value) is common, because here you are measuring the sum of the coils. then identified the common haver, ralizaras measurements between the latter (the common) and the other two remaining terminals, one to see. which is the highest value you boot (since it is a coil of wire turns and more finer), the other less valuable is the work, (since it is a coil of fewer turns and thicker wire ) I send a drawing to get your bearings.
also possible that the compressor, or the cap with some letters such as C: common
R: run, running and S: start, start-up. in this case you ahorarias to measure.
Hello, to identify the terminals of a compressor, you got uqe measure resistance with an ohmmeter which each terminal. after the measurements made, you see that you gave the highest value, and the terminal that is free in this measurement (which gave you the highest value) is common, because here you are measuring the sum of the coils. then identified the common haver, ralizaras measurements between the latter (the common) and the other two remaining terminals, one to see. which is the highest value you boot (since it is a coil of wire turns and more finer), the other less valuable is the work, (since it is a coil of fewer turns and thicker wire ) I send a drawing to get your bearings.
also possible that the compressor, or the cap with some letters such as C: common
R: run, running and S: start, start-up. in this case you ahorarias to measure.
como que está muy enredosa tu información
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Eliminarsi pero pues para que esta la informacion ???